A 501(c)3 organization |
ARTxFM REMOTE BROADCASTING SET-UP REMiNDERS: Never exceed 128kbs bitrate. Never Log on to Stream 2 outside of your scheduled time. If you need to schedule a test CLICK THIS LINK. AUDIO ENCODING SOFTWARE ROCKET BROADCASTER for PC rocketbroadcaster.com CLICK HERE FOR ROCKET BROADCASTER SET-UP TUTORIAL CLICK HERE FOR ROCKET BROADCASTER MANUAL BROADCAST USING THIS TOOL for PC sourceforge.net/projects/butt/ Click Arrow inside large blue window to START BROADCAST MIXXX for MAC, PC, Linux www.mixxx.org Free & Open Source Open Mixxx "Preferences" select "Live Broadcasting" from the Menu AUDIO HIJACK SET-UP for Mac rogueamoeba.com/audiohijack Open Audio Hijack New Session Choose Internet Radio Click Broadcast Box Click Set-Up Tab Enter this Info: Click Presets box to Save Your MIC is ON! Can turn it OFF using the slider in this box: You can also customize your set-up Use Menu on right to drag additional boxes - including a RECORD box - onto your timeline Push Round Button to Start and Stop Broadcast ***************************** TESTING YOUR REMOTE BROADCAST 1) Find a Time to Test when there is an In-House DJ On Air. Remote Testing Sign-Up::: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10gZR7Bw3KZYYXvFyOpnR8WcmFHMIER9DD2bUM3iwew0/edit#gid=0 2) Connect to DJ stream when in-house DJ On-Air (at least 10 minutes after last remote DJ disconnects HAL doesn't accidentally pick it up) 3) Let Stream run with music for 15 minutes. Spotter listening on Stream 2 for glitches, sound quality ARTxFM Stream 2::: https://artxfm.com/stream2/ 4) Mic Check. Make sure mic level is equal to that of music. 5) Disconnect (at least 5 minutes ahead of incoming remote program) ********************** REMOTE TROUBLESHOOTING 1) Can't Connect Check Codes. Get Screenshot of DJ set-up page and compare it to the screenshots online: REMOTE SET UP:::: https://www.artxfm.com/remotesetup/ 2) Stream Glitching Make sure DJ is using ETHERNET connection. Not WiFi If using WiFi, discontinue session until Ethernet Cable is obtainted & connected. 3) Still Glitching Turn off all other programs/devices in household that maybe using the Internet Restart Router/Modem/Computer Check for Updates Possibly Re-Install Broadcast Software 4) Mic Echo WEAR HEADPHONES. Make sure headphones do not leak sound. Confirm that External Speakers are off when on mic Turn Down Mic Volume / Pitch If you have and External Mic, turn off internal Computer Microphone ********************** GOOD LUCK!!! HAVE FUN!!! We are looking forward to hearing your broadcast! Click Here for ARTxFM Remote Broadcasters Manual |
ARTxFM / WXOX 97.1 FM Louisville * P.O. Box 5103 * Lousiville, Kentucky 40255